I just finished reading Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto. It created one of those "aha" moments for me!
The premise of the book is that when water is frozen into crystals (like snowflakes), they are beautiful when the water is exposed to beauty and they fail to form crystals when the water is exposed to negative feelings or ignored. The book also reminds us that we, human beings, are made mostly of water. So it would seem to be that if we are exposed to beautiful things, the water in our body behaves in a beautiful way and that would keep our energy and emotions clear and beautiful. And when we are exposed to negativity the water in our body would suffer and so would our energy and emotions.
Thinking about a person's reaction to words, art, music or nature in a physical way was huge for me! I mean, I have always know that classical music is "good" for you and horror movies are "bad" for you. I have known that I should expose my kids to fine art and nature. I have know that you should speak kindly to others. But I am not sure I could ever say why!
But this study really clarified it for me. It is so simple for me to view the water in my child reacting to words of love versus the sound of frustration in my voice. It is so simple for me to view the water in the body of the check out clerk when I engage them in pleasant conversation versus when I preoccupied with my phone. It is so simple for me to view the water in my own body when I am trapped inside a house that needs to be cleaned versus while taking a walk on the beach.
I love this understanding of the tangible effects of beauty versus negativity! I think it will really encourage me to choose always choose words and activities that are full of beauty.
This might not work for you. But I wonder if you can find a similar reminder to take the beautiful path.