Friday, December 14, 2012

Feel Like You Are Getting Sick? Just Add Water!

Last year I became mildly interested in Chinese medicine. My chiropractor is a practicioner and I wanted to gain some more insight into some things he had told me.  What really captured my interest is how your body goes through changes with the seasons and how the foods we eat can help or hinder us depending on the season.

The food I want to discuss now is WATER!

In doing my research I learned that when the colder weather comes in fall, it begins to dry us out.  Okay, we all know this.  When fall hits here in the Northeast we all start pulling out the lip balm and body lotion.  Well, I learned that a dry body is one that is open to all sorts of germs. Hence, why we all start getting sick in the fall and through the winter.  We are too dry.  Chinese medicine suggests moisturizing foods in the colder months to combat this dryness.  I guess this is why soup is so popular in these months!

A few weeks after I read this I began to feel sick.  Just that slightly stuffy and tired feeling you get at the very beginning of a cold.  I also noticed that I was thirsty and my lips were dry.  So I started drinking water.  Tons of it. Until I was not feeling chronically thirsty.  And by then I was no longer feeling like I was coming down with anything.

A few weeks after that I missed the warning signs and actually got a cold.  Again I noticed the thirst and I drank so much water I thought I would float away and after two days I was no longer thirsty and I was no longer sick.  I took nothing else.  Just water.

This past week my more than half of the children in my daughter's first grade class I have been home with the flu.  She has seemed a little run down herself but she is on board with this water thing and is drinking like a fish and she is fighting this thing off.  And this is a kid who in past years has caught a cold at least every other week.

I have also mentioned this to a few friends and they have observed the same thing and have stayed free of the usual run of fall colds.

I guess this is why your parents and doctors have always recommended fluids when you are sick!  But how cool that you can take the fluids before you get sick and never get there!?

Stay in tune with your body this year.  When you start to feel sick or thirsty, hit the fluids.  See if you can't keep those nasty colds away this year.


  1. Isn't it neat how such a simple thing like a glass of water can fix so much? My mom started seeing a practioner of Chinese medicine last year. She had some health issues that modern doctors weren't having any luck fixing. It's been amazing to see the change some natural supplements have made!

  2. That is really interesting and makes perfect sense! :)

  3. Lack of water in your body causes lots of symptoms! This is a great reminder to drink water all day.
