Monday, December 3, 2012

Mindfulness Equals Glitter in the Kitchen

I have been practicing mindfulness for 4 years now.  If you are not familiar with the concept, it basically means paying attention to what is going on right now.  Not worrying about the argument you had last night or
thinking about how you are dreading cleaning the bathroom later today.  It is about observing and experiencing what is happening at this very moment.

Wildmind has a great, in depth discussion on what mindfulness is.

For 4 years now I have been trying to incorporate mindfulness into my life.  I meditate.  I have little reminders to stop and pay attention throughout the day.  I practice.  But I am not sure I have ever experienced real mindfulness until Sunday afternoon.

My daughter was at the kitchen table working on her science project.  There was glitter involved.  And lots of cutting of little bits of paper.  And glue.  And Sharpies.  The kitchen was a mess.  In this circumstance I usually put a fake smile on my face while I scurry around picking bits of stuff off the floor and issuing warnings about spilling.  (I believe I usually tell HER to be mindful of what she is doing!  Meaning that she should be aware of the stuff she is dropping all over the floor but I had the concept of mindfulness completely wrong.  It is not about controlling yourself, it is about letting go.)

But something was different last night.  I was actually in the moment.  For a brief second I told myself to let go of worrying about the mess.  That I was going to cleanup when we were done and there was no point thinking about that now.  It wasn't going to matter how big the mess was, there was going to be cleanup and I would just do it when it was time.

So, I didn't worry about the cleanup that was to come.  Not one bit. I let go of any thoughts about it.   I talked to her about what she was doing.  I ran upstairs a number of times to get other things she needed.  I allowed myself to enjoy exactly what was going on at that moment in time.  And it was really amazing to do something without the distraction of your thoughts being focused on something else.

See if you can't let go of an annoying thought about the future this week.  When you are in the middle of doing something and your mind wanders elsewhere.  Bring it back.  Let go of the thoughts of that past issue or future concern and bring your attention back to what you are doing right now.

If you are finding it too hard to be in the present moment, take a break.  If you just can't let a thought go, then go with that thought.   Stop what you are doing and sit quietly with your concerning thoughts and focus on them.  Just no multi-tasking with your mind!!!!!  Instead, enjoy actively participating in your present life!

1 comment:

  1. Mindfulness is definitely a skill that I need to work on! I'm always thinking about the past, what I need to do next, instead of just fully appreciating the moment.

    (Stopped by from SITS.)
