If you are like me, you have those moments when something happens that you don't like and you start down that path of "why is this happening to me?"
I used to go there a lot. But then I came to an understanding that those moments are here to teach me.
Disappointments are Messages
I now understand that obstacles and disappointments are part of my life as messages from the Universe that I am ready to transform myself.
I work to understand why I am having trouble accepting what is going on. I look at any of the expectations I am holding on to. I dig deep into the fear or sadness or anger that is happening.
And I work to let go of what is limiting me and transform myself into a greater version of myself.
I recently had a relationship that ended. This friend cut me out of their life without so much as a "so long". That was a real disappointment.
But I looked at the situation and realized that I was holding on to a belief that everyone had to like me. And if they didn't, there was something wrong with me. When I looked closely at the relationship, I realized that it had never been built on anything positive and that our time together was really feeding a lot of negativity in me. I knew that my sadness was not a sense of loss based on losing the time we spent together but rather a feeling of not being approved of by this person.
This was a huge transformation for me! I feel that I can let the relationship go in peace and am better prepared for my next relationship.
I am grateful for the message that came in the form of this major disappointment.
The next time you are faced with an obstacle or disappointment, I challenge you to stop focusing on what is happening TO you and instead look at what is happening INSIDE you.
Why Do I Keep Getting the Same Message?
Have you ever noticed that some of your most painful disappointments keep happening? Perhaps it is a string of failed relationships or constant money problems or recurring health issues.
Well, they keep happening because you aren't listening!
You will also see, that over time, the messages will not only keep coming but they will get bigger. So that you have to listen.
Years ago I had a debilitating pain in my foot. Nobody could figure out what was wrong. Nothing helped.
I took at look at a website on emotional issues that cause health problems and found that foot pain is caused by a fear of moving forward.
At the time, I was contemplating homeschooling my kids but was filled with a lot of fear about what other people would think.
I took my foot as a sign that I needed to move forward and I wrote the letter withdrawing my kids from school and posted my plans on Facebook for the world to see.
When I let go of my fear about moving forward with homeschooling, I also let go of the foot pain. Instantly.
When you are getting the same message over and over, take some time to figure out what the message is asking you to transform. Sometimes it is easier to ask a close friend as they may have a perspective that you are lacking.
But trust me, when you have figured it out and have released it, your obstacles will disappear as well.
Why Don't Other People Have So Many Disappointments?
Have you ever looked around and wondered why you are being battered with obstacles and disappointments and the guy next to you is sailing through life?
Well, I think that guy is there as a message to you.
He isn't really real. He might really have a boatload of disappointments.
You are only noticing his good luck and easy life because he is there to help you transform.
There is something about what he has that you feel you are lacking.
You have a block to you abundance and he is waving it in front of your face.
There is a woman in my life who keeps getting something that I want.
To me, it appears that she gets everything she wants without even working for it and nothing ever goes wrong for her.
But I have realized that is only my perception. That is the reality I have created.
And what I need to figure out is what it is that I feel that I am lacking and transform that feeling.
I actually have gotten partway there. And miraculously, she is partway out of my life!
The next time you are comparing your disappointments to someone else's, realize that they are just an illusion placed there as a message to you to work on your own transformation.
From now on, don't fear your disappointments.
Embrace them as the fuel to power your transformation.
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