Over the years I have read more than a few good books about self-transformation but there are nine that, for me, are must-reads for anyone who seeks to know themselves better and find a more peaceful life.

This is the very first book I ever read on self-development. I think I read it in college at the suggestion of my aunt.
It is a great place to get started because it is very basic and non-threatening but really sparks something inside you to go farther.
It is a fictional story about the discovery of an ancient manuscript but woven through are concepts that provide insight into becoming a better person, a better part of humanity. It will really change your perception about why you are here and inspire you to explore yourself and your purpose more deeply.
There is a workbook, an experiential guide, that you can use along with the book that really helps you start thinking.

The Happiness Project is a book for absolutely everyone!
I read it really early on in my journey when I was just starting to explore myself and it helped me to make some quick and easy changes.
I read it really early on in my journey when I was just starting to explore myself and it helped me to make some quick and easy changes.
It documents one woman's experiment to develop a happier life and challenges you to do the same by helping you to re-focus your life on what really matters.
While this book is touted to be about rediscovering your creativity, it is really a book about discovering yourself.
The book guides you on a 12 week journey of discovery and arms you with two of the most powerful tools I have ever encountered for becoming more in tune with myself, Morning Pages and the Artists Date. Not only is this book a powerful tool, it is lots of fun!
There are many different versions of this work for different ages and groups of people and workbook to go along with it, but I have found that this little gem is really all you need.
This is such a well-written overview of the Buddha's teachings about the Eightfold Path.
The eight steps on the path are: right understanding, thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration and they are essential to Buddhist's and non-Buddhist's alike who want to live a more peaceful and meaningful life.
While the book is certainly about Buddhism, people of all faiths and spiritualities can benefit from the lessons of the Eightfold Path and this book presents them in a really accessible way.
I Remember Union by Flo Magdalena

This is a life-changing book wrapped inside a beautiful and engaging story.
It is the story of a young man going in search of treasure and finding it within himself.
It is this story that provided me with the mantra, "Every moment is perfect." Because it is. It is exactly as it should be for your growth into your greatest self. Hard lessons and all.
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani
At first I was not really interested in reading a story about Mary Magdalene. And while I did actually enjoy the story, this book is so much more than that!
While this work is a story of Mary Magdalene's life, it is from the perspective that both she and Jesus remember why they are here on this earth on this journey. They remember the impact they agreed to make when they were born into this life and we see how they use this knowledge to accept the events that happen to them with peace and compassion.
It is an amazing opportunity to question how differently we could handle the events that happen in our lives if we remembered why we were on this earth. If we could see the big picture.
Very thought provoking!
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Along the way the young man learns to listen to his inner voice and follow it's guidance. He learns that that voice can guide him to triumph and through turmoil.
The eight steps on the path are: right understanding, thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration and they are essential to Buddhist's and non-Buddhist's alike who want to live a more peaceful and meaningful life.
While the book is certainly about Buddhism, people of all faiths and spiritualities can benefit from the lessons of the Eightfold Path and this book presents them in a really accessible way.
I Remember Union by Flo Magdalena

This is a life-changing book wrapped inside a beautiful and engaging story.
It is the story of a young man going in search of treasure and finding it within himself.
It is this story that provided me with the mantra, "Every moment is perfect." Because it is. It is exactly as it should be for your growth into your greatest self. Hard lessons and all.
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani
At first I was not really interested in reading a story about Mary Magdalene. And while I did actually enjoy the story, this book is so much more than that!
While this work is a story of Mary Magdalene's life, it is from the perspective that both she and Jesus remember why they are here on this earth on this journey. They remember the impact they agreed to make when they were born into this life and we see how they use this knowledge to accept the events that happen to them with peace and compassion.
It is an amazing opportunity to question how differently we could handle the events that happen in our lives if we remembered why we were on this earth. If we could see the big picture.
Very thought provoking!
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Along the way the young man learns to listen to his inner voice and follow it's guidance. He learns that that voice can guide him to triumph and through turmoil.

This is the book that allowed my to purge an unbelievable amount of crap from my life.
The book has a lot of great content but the concept of Brules is a game-changer.
Vishen calls bad beliefs “Bullshit Rules”, or Brules. He says that an “extraordinary mind questions the Brules that are out of alignment with their dreams and desires”. These minds “recognize that much of the way the world works is due to people blindly following Brules that have long passed their expiration date.” He does not suggest getting rid of moral and ethical standards but that we should take a good look at beliefs that drag us into “long-held habits and irrational self-judgement” such as “I should call my parents every day or I am not being a good child” or “I should work to the point of exhaustion every week or I’m not working hard enough.”
Vishen suggests asking a few thought provoking questions to test if a belief you hold is a rule you want to live by or a Brule you want to do away with.
1. Is your belief based on trust and hope in humanity? Beliefs that assume that humanity is inherently bad may be Brules.
2. Does your belief violate the Golden Rule? Beliefs that don’t support “do unto others” may be Brules.
3. Did you take on your belief from culture or religion? If you are bothered by arbitrary rules about dress, food, or marriage that come from your culture or religion, they may be Brules.
4. Is it based on rational choice or contagion? If you have been following a belief since childhood without question, it may be a Brule.
5. Does it serve my happiness? If a belief does not make you happy, it may be a Brule.
2. Does your belief violate the Golden Rule? Beliefs that don’t support “do unto others” may be Brules.
3. Did you take on your belief from culture or religion? If you are bothered by arbitrary rules about dress, food, or marriage that come from your culture or religion, they may be Brules.
4. Is it based on rational choice or contagion? If you have been following a belief since childhood without question, it may be a Brule.
5. Does it serve my happiness? If a belief does not make you happy, it may be a Brule.

Based in the philosophy of stoicism, this book teaches you how to face challenges by letting go of what you can't control and moving forward. It teaches you that moving forward through each challenge only serves to make you stronger and better.
"What stands in the way becomes the way."
This is a book that really helps you to turn your problems into possibilities. Both big and small.

Best book ever for a control addict! It taught me the art of letting go.
Michael Singer decided to undertake an experiment while he was in his twenties in pursuit of enlightenment. He decided to see what would happen if he stopped giving in to his personal fears and desires. He decided to surrender to whatever life had in store. His journey led him to living alone in the woods to becoming a computer programmer and finally a corporate CEO. By saying “yes” to the opportunities that were placed in front of him by the Universe, and that he had many doubts about, he created a thriving spiritual community, a transformative software package, a company whose achievements are archived in the Smithsonian, and a book that became a bestseller.
I loved the idea of this experiment so much that I have incorporated it into my own life!
I hope you have enjoyed my list of self-transformation "must reads" and pick up one (or a few!) today!
And I would love to add some new "must read's" to my list. To make it 10!
So please share YOUR must-reads for transformation in the comments!
And I would love to add some new "must read's" to my list. To make it 10!
So please share YOUR must-reads for transformation in the comments!
I loved The Happiness Project! I haven't read any of the other books on this list though so this post is a great reference. Pinned! One of my other favourite books for self transformation was Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a wonderful week ahead!