Monday, December 17, 2018

5 Teachers Who Will Change Your Life

I love learning.  I think my goal is to be a lifelong student! 
But I also love playing teacher and passing on the amazing things I have learned.

As we head into a season of hibernation and reflection, I want to introduce you to my five favorite teachers.  Perhaps you will snuggle up this winter with some of them!

Mindvalley by Vishen Lakhiani
My go-to place for learning about myself is Mindvalley. 
Mindvalley provides free self-development courses and poscasts, paid courses, and my favorite, Quests, which are mini-courses that you do with a "tribe".  Vishen Lakhiani's catalog of online resources feels limitless but there are also in-person events and an exceptional Facebook community that never ceases to inspire. 
I have taken courses in meditation, feng shui, energy medicine, life planning, health, and so much more.
There is something for everyone and I encourage you to find something from Mindvalley that will set your transformation in motion.

Daily Om by Madisyn Taylor
Every morning when I wake up, there is a little but of inspiration waiting in my inbox from Daily Om.
Daily Om provides short little articles that spark reflection about your mind, body, and soul.  Madisyn Taylor provides just the right amount of inspiration to start you reflecting on yourself and your beliefs each day.  Daily Om also has a catalog of courses you can take on topics like communication, relationships, yoga, and meditation.
Daily Om is the perfect way to start your day!

Lifebook by Jon Butcher
If I had to pick one thing that transformed my life from mediocre to exceptional, it would have to be Lifebook.
Lifebook is a sort of like goal setting, but so much more.  The course asks you to look at the 12 areas of your life (like love relationships, intellect, health, finance, etc) and dig deep to understand your beliefs about this area of your life, what your purpose is in this area of your life, and what action you are going to take.  Throughout the course, Jon Butcher steps you through each area with instructions and inspirational stories until you have created a manual for how you want to live your life.  Mine is over 100 pages and is laced with inspirational quotes and photos.  I look at a different section each day to remind myself of the life I am going to live that day.
While Lifebook is a substantial investment of your time and money, it is the most worthwhile investment I have ever made.

Wildfit by Eric Edmeades
After many years of working on transforming my emotional and spiritual life, I realized that I also need to transform my body to allow my energy to flow more freely.  And Wildfit guided me to do just that.
Wildfit is a program that aims to change your relationship with food.  The program is 90 days and consists of short daily (and towards the end, weekly) videos from founder Eric Edmeades.  Each video is educational and inspriational and empowers and supports you to make the weekly changes to your diet.  During the course of the program I added significantly more nutrients and water into my diet, gave up my daily Diet Coke, reduced my wine intake, and easily eliminated pasta, sugar and processed food from my life.  I lost 16 pounds, sleep better, and have more energy and focus to get things done each day.  I feel so clean!!!  (I will admit that I added a few things back into my diet after about 8 months, just to see,  and I feel the difference in a bad way.  I restarted to program last week to have the support to eliminate these items for good.)
If you are ready to transform your body, Wildfit can help you do it.

Unlimited Abundance by Christie Marie Sheldon
I don't really want to put Christie on my list because I don't really enjoy her program, but it really works.  (I think I don't enjoy the program because it seems to easy!!! I like to do that deep digging and problem solving.  It is also a little hard to figure out as there really is no beginning, you sort of just jump in wherever.)
Unlimited Abundance is a series of sessions that help you to clear blocks to your abundance.  I have only been doing the program for a few months but I have manifested thousands of dollars in unexpected ways, a free trip to a 5-star health spa, a dream job, and more.  AND I feel like I have faith in myself that I can have anything that I want without having to force it to come to me.  Christie teaches you a process of intention setting that really feels true and teaches you to easily clear the blocks you have that hold you back. 
If you are looking to increase your abundance, check out Unlimited Abundance and see what it can do for you.

I encourage you to pick the teacher who speaks to you and set out on a season of learning a new way to transform yourself.

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  1. I watched Mind Valley and Christie Marie Sheldon's video. Do the free videos help or do I have to buy their online courses to achieve results? thank you!

    1. I watch tons of the free videos and I find things that help! ANd some inspire me to take a more in depth course. But I always walk about with something valuable!
