Monday, October 13, 2014

Minimizing My Stuff ... How I Send Out the Old, And Say 'No' to the New!

I have been on a minimizing mission for the past few years.

My biggest reason was that  I hate that when something doesn't work exactly how we want it, we just replace it instead of trying to be creative to get what we need or gosh forbid, experience a little discomfort.  

So I set out on the mission to not bring anything new into our house unless it was something to be consumed or something we really, really needed and could not get from being creative with what we already have.  And I set out on a mission to pass a lot of the stuff that we no longer need on to others who do.  Here are some of my tips....

I have stopped buying books unless it is a book that I want to have as a lifetime reference or it is a workbook that I am going to write in.  

I use the online book catalog for our library to order almost any book I like.  So easy!

I let my kids enjoy the Scholastic leaflets that come out at school and circle every book they fancy and then they pick one to buy with their allowance money and I get them the rest from the library.

I use Bookmooch to try to get books I really want to have a paper copy of (like cookbooks).  
I also use Bookmooch to pass on the tons of books we have collected over the years and are never going to glance at again. 

I have asked the grandparents to give experiences to the kids instead of stuff.   The kids get to see Broadway shows or go to museums or take a class or even just enjoy a movie.   

My husband and I celebrate Christmas by giving each other a $25 limit.  It is the most fun gift selecting and opening we have ever had!  (Last year I got rainbow striped socks, a rainbow of oil pastels, a plastic bead rainbow wind chime and rainbow colored Oreos!)

Where I can, I try to make gifts instead of buy them.    

I still buy plenty of new clothes.  Probably less than the average person but I still enjoy having some new things each season and I feel best when my clothes are in good condition and fit well.

For clothes that are in good condition but just don't fit or feel loved anymore, they go in the hand-me-down bag.  Not only do I hand down the kids clothes, but I have a group of girlfriends who I pass around a bag of hand-me-downs with.  I have gotten some really beautiful stuff that way!  

I have also been doing quite a bit of refashioning to give a second life to things that don't make me feel quite so wonderful anymore or for things that my kids have outgrown.  

And for items that are in bad shape, they go into my fabric bin.

Toys, Games and Household Items
I have been selling tons of stuff we no longer use on eBay.  It is really easy once you get the hang of it and it makes me really happy to know that someone is using the stuff I no longer need.

I have to say that I am a much happier person when I have less stuff and I love that I am teaching my kids that there are far better ways to get what you want or need than handing over your credit card!