Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Every Moment Is Perfect ... Even the Ones That Are Not Going Your Way

People spend a lot of time wanting things to be a certain way.  And then getting themselves angry when they don't turn out that way. 

 I used to that too.  A LOT!  I would spend weeks in a snit over some special something my child didn't get.  I would put on the ugliest face ever when the insurance company wasn't paying for some procedure.  I would have trouble breathing when my child got sick and I had to rearrange my schedule.  I knew I didn't want to live that way.  I wanted to be one of those people that "go with the flow".

A while ago I realized that I needed to sort out my expectations from reality.  That helped a lot.  I have calmed myself down a lot by understanding that there is a difference between what I want to be happening and what is actually happening and make a plan for how to deal with it.

But recently I have added a very important little mantra when this happens.

"Every Moment Is Perfect."

The second I feel a stab of aggravation, I say to myself, "Every Moment Is Perfect."

Sometimes those moments are filled with so much joy that you can easily see why they are perfect.  Those moments when you see a rainbow breaking out of the clouds or your daughter draws you a picture or you have the best spoonful of ice cream in your mouth.  Those moments are perfect.  Appreciate them!

But sometimes moments don't feel joyful and you have to trust that they are also perfect.  There is a lesson in there for you.  Can you learn to let go of things?  Can you learn to put others first?  Can you learn to put yourself in someone else's shoes?  Can you learn that winning isn't everything?   Can you learn the difference between wants and needs?  There are all sorts of lessons out there that help us to be more joyful and peaceful people but they often come cloaked in a moment that causes fear or anger or aggravation.

If you can stop yourself in the moment of aggravation and say to yourself "Every Moment Is Perfect" and search yourself for what this moment might be trying to teach you, you will find that the moment ceases to be aggravating and instead becomes a moment filled with joy.  When you turn staying home with a sick child who upends your day into a day spent snuggling under the blankets with your favorite person in the world, you can see how the vomit on your shoes was actually perfect!

So the next time you feel that gnawing aggravation, stop and remind yourself that "Every Moment Is Perfect".