Do you ever feel the great conflict I do about what the Universe wants you to do when you desire something?
Are you supposed to ask for what you want. Visualize it. Believe it is yours.
Or are you supposed to allow what comes and know it is for your greatest good? Surrender. Let go.
I feel like I am often on a seesaw.
I want something and I try to manifest it and when I don't get it I think, "Gee, I shouldn't have asked. I should allow the Universe to guide me."
Or when I am just letting things flow to me and I see someone else get something I wanted and I think, "Gosh, I should have set my intention on that because maybe the Universe didn't know I wanted it."
And there are plenty of people in each camp who will tell me why their side is what I "should" do.
But I am in a camp that actually believes that manifest and surrender actually work together.
And here is how I think it works.
1. Ask For What You Want
Use whatever manifestation practices you have developed to ask the Universe to bring you anything that you believe will bring you joy!
I used to think I could not ask for something very specific, like a sweater I saw or a job I wanted or a trip to a specific locale. But, if it lights you up inside. Ask for it!
If you are not sure on the specifics, like a specific sweater, then ask for a sweater that will make you feel beautiful or will keep you warm or will help you relax at the end of a long day.
Be clear on your intention, but don't be afraid to ask! With all the details.
2. Sometimes You Get What You Want
Sometimes you get what you want because it is in your best interest and you are ready for it.
That's awesome! Express some gratitude!
3. Sometimes You Don't Get What You Want
Cry a little. That's okay.
Then pick yourself up and say "Every moment is perfect." Or a version that works for you.
Because the Universe is giving you exactly what you need.
4. The Universe Is Guiding You to Live Your Soul Purpose
I believe that we each come in to this life with a soul purpose.
It is not something like being a doctor or a teacher or a hairdresser.
It is more like "using magic not manipulation" or "transforming darkness in to light" or "finding gratitude".
It is more "being" than "doing"
You can express your soul purpose in any way you want. Like being a doctor or a teacher or a hairdresser. It is layered on top of whatever you choose to do.
I believe that your soul purpose is revealed to you over your lifetime, almost in layers. So don't worry if you don't really know what it is just now, you will over time as you work on it. I have an inkling of mine. It get's clearer all the time. But I am not fully there yet!
Just know that the Universe knows what it is, even if you don't!
(Sidebar ... for a great illustration of this concept, I highly suggest the book,
I Remember Union.)
I believe we all picked a purpose we wanted to achieve before we arrived in this life. And fulfilling that purpose is the way we will achieve the most joy in this life, so it is more important than any desire we have generated in this life.
If the Universe has to choose between giving you an opportunity to embrace your soul purpose or having something you think you want, it will choose your soul growth every time.
5. Your Soul Purpose Is Revealed In These Lessons
When you don't get what you want and you get sad or angry or depressed, there is a lesson there.
Your reaction is what you need to learn from. What you need to explore.
The negative way in which you are reacting is exactly why you didn't get what you wanted.
Because it is that reaction that is not working for you.
And I bet if you really take a look, every time you don't get what you want and you have a negative reaction, it is the same reaction.
There is a better way. And it is your soul purpose.
So look at these lessons as the most valuable thing in your life. More valuable than that sweater or that job or that trip that you didn't get. You got something more valuable.
This is what you are here for! And when you can find that better way, you will have found unbelievable joy.
(Note ... I used to think that the issue was in what I was asking for. That I was asking for selfish things or what I was really asking for was approval, but recently I have realized that I can ask for anything I want, what the Universe is concerned with is how I deal with not getting it. Because I can have anything I want once I have learned the lessons I came here to learn.)
6. Your Doubt Is Just An Illusion
So I have made it to step 5 for many, many years and then I hear a horrible voice in my head that says, "Well, everybody else is getting what you want and hasn't achieved ." And I get all pissed off and I want to give up on steps 1 through 5 because nobody else seems to have to work this hard.
But this year I thought, aha, "What if everyone else is an illusion?"
What if I am at the point of knowing what I need to do but I am lacking the faith that it is the right path? So the Universe is showing me all of these others who got what I wanted by other means. What if the Universe is testing me?
What if these others are just an illusion? And they will just disappear when I have faith in my soul purpose?
I believe now that the people that make me doubt myself are just an illusion and I can ignore them and follow my purpose.
And when I do, they will disappear and I can have whatever I want.
Because I won't need anymore lessons!
Or at least the lessons will get easier and easier the more I embrace my soul purpose.
So now I ask for everything I want.
And when I don't get it, I remind myself ...
... that this moment is perfect for my soul growth,
... that the lesson is to deal with this situation with grace and grattitude, and
... that all the better things happening to everyone else is just an illusion.
I encourage you to explore this practice the next time you don't get something you want.
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