Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Saying "Yes"... My Yearlong Surrender Challenge

In 2019, I am going to say "yes".
And I hope you will be part of this challenge to surrender.

You see, I have a little problem.
I have worked for years to develop my intuition and my connection to the Universe, my soul, and all things grander then myself.
I find myself listening to amazing suggestions that come from somewhere other than my mind.  Things I know are acting to guide me to my next best step.
I hear them, I believe them, I plan to do them.  And when the time comes, I listen to my mind tell me why it won't work and is a waste of my time.  Even though I felt that spark that said, for lack of a better mantra,  "just do it".
And I back out.

This happens with things as simple as hearing the suggestion to take a walk.  Where I say "oh yes" and in the next hearbeat I have decided it is too cold, too dark, too close to dinner to take a walk so I don't.
And it happens with bigger things too.  Like hearing the suggestion to set up a call with a coach I came across in a Facebook group.  I just knew she could help me and I set up the meeting.   Then the day before I decided I didnt have the money to pay her and I didn't really want to be coached afterall.

But I know from experience that if I hear the suggestion and follow through no matter what reasons I have not to, I am rewarded and changed for the better.
Like taking a writing course when I didn't think I really wanted to write a book or had the money for the course, has led to such amazing self discovery, some wonderful new friends, and a book!
Or flossing my teeth each time I hear the suggestion even though I don't want to has given me much better visits to the dentist.
And going on a holiday shopping trip with a friend when I thought I had too many other things to do, delivered me two of the most perfect books for my daughters.
I know when I surrender, I am rewarded.  Sometimes in big ways and sometimes in little ways, but always in some way.

And I want to bring more of these rewards into my life.
So, I am challenging myself to say "yes" to the suggestions that light me up no matter how much my mind protests.
And I would love if you tried it too!

Follow along on my journey on Instagram at #sayingyeschallenge!
Check it out!  Cheer me on!  Share your own experiences!
Just say "yes"!

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