So you learned a bit about chakras in my post A Chakra Primer ... The Energy of Your Being. You know that when a chakra is unbalanced you experience behavioral challenges, physical difficulties and addictions in the parts of your life or body that are energized by that chakra. And now you want to understand which of your chakras is unbalanced!
First, let's take a look at what behavioral challenges, physical difficulties and addictions result from an imbalance in each chakra.
When your ROOT chakra is unbalanced you are not secure and you will...
- fight or take flight during stressful situations
- you will see health problems or injuries associated with the base of spine, legs, bones and bone marrow, feet, rectum, physical body support
- you will have addictions to heroin, cocaine, alcohol, work, sex, being sick or ill, accidents, exercise, cutting, sadistic or masochistic behaviors, spending, debt, milk, fat, meats
When your SACRAL chakra is unbalanced you not passioante and you will ...
- just go through the motions (depressed, repressed) or do things for the praise of others
- you will see health problems or injuries associated with the Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, the kidneys, appendix, bladder, prostate, hip area, the lymphatic system, all the body fluids
- you will have addictions to gluten, wheat, starchy carbs, grain based alcohol, chocolate, emotionalism
When your SOLAR PLEXUS chakra is unbalanced you do not believe in yourself and you will ....
- be shy (weak) or be controlling (rigid, unforgiving)
- you will see health problems or injuries associated with the respiratory system and diaphragm, the digestive system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, the small intestine, the lower back, the sympathetic nervous system
- you will have addictions to work, perfectionism, cannabis, caffeine, carbonated beverages, corn based alcohol, beer, corn processed sugars
When your HEART chakra is unbalanced you are unaccepting and you will ...
- be to attached to others (begging for them to do it your way) or be too judgemental of others (judging them for not doing it your way)
- you will see health problems or injuries associated with the heart and circulatory system, lungs, bronchial tubes, shoulders and arms, diaphragm, thymus gland, the immune system, the skin, the upper back
- you will have addictions to ecstasy, love, smoking, sugars and sweets, toxic relationships, wine
When your THROAT chakra is unbalanced you are not authentic and you will ...
- be indecisive or self-rightous
- you will see health problems or injuries associated with the throat
- you will have addictions to compulsive talking, mania, compulsive reading, overeating, smoking
When your BROW chakra is unbalanced you are not in touch with your insight and you will ...
- need to be perfect or live in a fantasy world
- you will see health problems or injuries associated with the the brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, face, the pineal and pituitary gland
- you will see addictions to self hatred, poor body image, appearances, chocolate, all mood altering substances, obsessive hand washing and OCD behaviors
Now that you understand what each unbalanced chakra looks like, you can pinpoint your own areas that need some help.
Look at the list above of limiting behaviors, physical problems and addictions and make a list of all of the ones that you have, by chakra. I bet you will see a trend!
You can also take a "test" to help pinpoint your chakra imbalanced. I love this "quiz" to help get a good overview of how your energy is flowing in each chakra. This is the very place I got my start!
As you balance your chakra, you will see the behavior challenges, physical issues and addictions lessen or go away! If you go back to my post
A Chakra Primer ... The Energy of Your Being, you will gain an understanding for how to balance each chakra with crystals, yoga, food and all sorts of other good things but the most important thing to do to balance a chakra is to deal with the underlying negative experience from a past life, childhood or trauma that has caused the block in the first place.
Keep in mind that there is a lot of slightly comflicting and overlapping information about the specifics of issues that come from an unbalanced chakra! These are the ideas that work best for me but you might find different infomation out that feels better to you.
Also, thank you to Mind, Body, Spirit Healing for this great article on chakras and addictions.