Friday, June 15, 2018

"School of Greatness" ... Self- Development for Young Adults

I am, admittedly, a self-development book junkie.  
I love learning about different ways to lead a more exceptional life ... to be happier, to be healthier, and to make a better contribution to this world.
Some of the books are full of ideas I have already worked with but there is always something new for me to learn or be inspired by.
I could recommend dozens of books to you!

But until now I could never recommend one to my teens.

Here's 3 reasons why ...

1. Lewis Gives You Just the Basics
This is a great introductory self-development book for not just young adults, but for everyone.  
Lewis covers intention setting and visualization and meditation and gratitude, among other things.  All the basics that you need to get started on your journey to a more exceptional life. 
He doesn't give you too much.  But he gives you just enough for you to get started easily.
It is just enough for a young adult to digest.

2. Lewis is One of the Guys
Lewis is really approachable.
He is sensitive and funny.  He is not afraid to support you or to kick you in the butt.   He is a real guy.
He writes to you as if he is in the room talking with you, which is a must for young adults.

3. Lewis is a Great Storyteller
Lewis' stories are about people who are really engaging.
The people he has met are both totally normal and totally exceptional.
They are great illustrations of how anyone with the right mindset can achieve all they desire. 
His stories tell of people who start from nothing and achieve great success in business, of people who are challenged with great physical handicaps and climb mountains, of people who overcome really hard times to create a life they love.
They are people like you and I.  You relate to them and you fall in love with them. 
Not only are the subjects of his stories unique and interesting, Lewis really knows how to weave an engaging tale.
The stories are woven throughout all of the book and will serve to really engage young adults in the content.

This is a must-read for all high school and college kids!

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