Thursday, January 2, 2014

Your Yearly Forecast ... What Can You Expect this Year?

Each year I take a look at what I can expect astrologically for the upcoming year. While it is fun to see what they year will hold, I like to use it to understand the hot spots I might encounter ... plan for some particularly supportive energy and prepare for tougher times.

Before you get started with your yearly forecast, I would go read my Astrology Primer to get an understanding of the various elements of an astrological chart.

I make myself a little chart of when each planet will be moving into each sign.  Many of the outer planets (Pluto through Jupiter) may not move at all during the year but the inner planets (Mars through Mercury) move through almost the entire zodiac in one year.  I use Find Your Fate to create my chart.  

Knowing this tells me about the type of energy that is coming from the planet and how that energy is behaving from the sign it is in and where this energy will impact me because of which of my houses it is in.

I use this information to create a grid with the months at the top and the planets down the side.  Say that  have Jupiter is in Cancer from January until June and then moving into Leo for July through December.  Under January to June I would write "Opportunity for Emotions In Partnerships".  Jupiter is the planet of opportunity, Cancer is the sign of emotions and Cancer is my 7th house which is partnerships.   

This information will be the same for people of the same sign.  Which is how all of the people who write horoscopes for the year get their info.

I find the most interesting part of my yearly forecast to be the aspects that the planets make to my natal planets.    Figure out what these are and add them to your grid.  I typically only look at the aspects that the outer planets are making to my natal planets because they last for a long time.  The aspects inner planets make are short lived so I just look at them as they happen.

Now I add in any eclipses that will be happening.  These show major beginnings and endings.

Lastly, I add in any periods that planets are going retrograde.  These are periods of time where you revisit things and go deeper inside.

Now I look at the whole thing and I write my story.  You might want to write it chronologically or you might want to split it up by area of your life (work, love, money, self improvement, etc.)   

You will see a few things that will be impacting you all year.  You will see places where lots of planets are bringing energy to the same sign and house.  You will see times of opportunity and times that look more difficult.  

I like to take what I see and get a feel for the year.  Then I pick my word of the year so I can remember the energy that is supporting me.  This year I have decided to create a little art project around it to remind me of what energy is there for me.  

Next, I like to take some of the opportunities and the challenges and think through what I can do to take advantage of this knowledge.  I plan and prepare.  If there is a time when my creativity is highly supported, I schedule in weekly days off to just create during that period.  If there is a time when I have too much work and frustration, I already ask my mom if she will come 2 days a week to help with the kids for those few months.  If there was a time that was clearly introspection, I would not make plans to throw some parties or try to go out and find romance.
If you are not really into spending 8 hours creating your chart for the year,  Yahoo! Shine  does a nice overview by sign.


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