"Everyone is Doing the Best They Can With What They Have Been Given"
I can't remember where I read that. But it is probably the only quote I have ever committed to memory.
It has helped me to deal with my children and my mother and irrational friends and inattentive lovers and bad drivers.
It has eliminated any need in my life for gossip or hostility. Because how can you be mad at someone who is trying their best? You have no idea what limiting beliefs and baggage someone is carrying with them that makes them truly unable to remember to brush their teeth or hold their tongue or accept your own limitations or send you a birthday gift or use their turn signal.
Remembering this phrase a dozen times a day has made me a happier, lighter, kinder person.
And what if I remember the phrase and I am still annoyed? Well, I look at myself and figure out what it is about the reality of the situation that isn't meeting my expectations. Because everyone is doing the best they can with what they have been given. Am I?!
Next time you find yourself aggravated at someone, remember "everyone is doing the best they can with what they have been given" and see if the bad feelings don't just melt away.
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