Friday, January 25, 2013

Sun trine Jupiter ... Where is Your Great Opportunity?

Today the Sun in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini.  The Sun is the planet of self or soul and Jupiter is the planet of opportunity.  Aquarius is all about inspiration and purpose and Gemini is about information and choices .  When planets are are in a trine formation it is a great time to manifest the things you want in that area of your life..

So this combination says to me that today there are opportunities (Jupiter).  They could be opportunities that you will learn about or need to choose from (Gemini) that inspire (Aquarius) your soul (the Sun).  Or they could be opportunities that come from your soul (the Sun) for you to communicate to others (Gemini) as a means to inspire them (Aquarius) from your soul (the Sun).

As a Virgo, Gemini is my house of career and Aquarius is my house of well being (work and health).  So I am looking at great career opportunities.  The inspiration is around work and health.  So I have been mulling around that it is a great day to tune into inspirations that will come to me about my business and that it is also a great day for me to inspire others about my business.  And I wonder if the health part doesn't have something to do with this darn cast that is interfering with my being able to decorate cakes and that my inspiring others needs a new and creative spin that I can find if I dig deep in my soul.  I am going to mull it over a bit more and since the energy of manifesting is to commune with the universe to make things happen I will spend some time making my intentions clear.

Since the trine is about manifesting, take some time today to think about what this means for you and either ask the universe to guide you or clearly state your plans. Then watch and listen for the signs and messages that will guide you.

The area that the opportunity will be visible depends on the what houses Gemini and Aquarius are for you.  (Gemini will be the first house listed and Aquarius the second) ...

Aries (born 3/21 - 4/20)  The focus is exchanging information and sense of inner purpose.
Taurus (born 4/21 - 5/21) The focus is on what makes you feel secure (money, self worth) and career.
Gemini (born 5/22 - 6/21)  The focus is on your self and broadening your horizons.
Cancer (born 6/22 - 7/22) The focus is soul growth and intimacy.
Leo (born 7/23 - 8/21)  The focus is on sense of inner purpose and partnerships.
Virgo (born 8/22 - 9/23)  The focus is on your career and well being (work, health).
Libra (born 9/24 - 10/23)   The focus is on broadening your horizons and creativity.
Scorpio (born 10/24 - 11/22)   The focus is on intimacy and your roots (family, past lives).
Sagittarius (born 11/23 - 12/22)  The focus is on partnerships and exchange of information..
Capricorn (born 12/23 - 1/20) The focus is on well being (work, health) and what makes you feel secure (money, self worth).
Aquarius (born 1/21 - 2/19) The focus is on your creativity and your self/soul.
Pisces (born 2/20 - 3/20)  The focus is your roots (family, past lives) and soul growth..

Feel free to email me if you want some guidance!


  1. Really neat post!

  2. I'm a Virgo! I've totally been thinking about what I want to do career wise and feel healthier than ever. :) This inspires me! (Popped in from SITS!)

  3. Funny, I'm on the cusp between Leo and Virgo. In some instances, I'm a LEO and in others I'm a Virgo. In this case, I'm a Virgo and I've been working so hard to get my business up and running and my fitness plans in motion as well.

    And talking about business, I'm hosting a cute Valentine's day giveaway on my blog.Please visit and pass the word around.
