Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I Have a Sense of Entitlement ...What Does Your South Node Say About You?

In astrology, where your South Node was at the time of your birth tells you what your challenge in life is going to be.  It is basically the bad habit that you return to when you feel challenged.  It is the thing you need to move away from.

My South Node is in Leo.  I have a sense of entitlement.  I was a little surprised when I learned this because I am a pretty shy person who likes to avoid negative feelings and almost always gives in to others.  After giving it some thought, I realized that a sense of entitlement is exactly what my greatest challenge is.  Just because I don't shout from the roof about myself and my ideas or battle someone over my opinion does not mean that I don't think my self, my ideas and my opinions aren't the right ones.  After much time and reflection I have realized that I want to be loved the way I want to be loved, I want the house cleaned up the way I want  it cleaned, I want my clients to love every cake I make, I want everyone to say "I like the one you like".  And when they don't, I get cranky.  I feel entitled.  I expect everyone to change reality to meet my expectations.  Or I should say that I did.

I have become more mindful of this sense of entitlement.  I try not to judge.  I accept that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have been given.  I attempt to share my opinion without being attached to the outcome.  Being mindful of this sense of entitlement has made a huge impact on my journey in this life.  I guess knowing really IS half the battle!

What is your challenge?

Figure out your South Node.  I like Astrolabe.  Just type in the date, time and location of your birth and they will tell you where all the planets were when you were born and what that means to your personality.

Next, learn about the challenges that come with the sign your South Node is in.  I love the explanations from Raging Universe (except they are missing Aquarius and Pisces).

If your South Node is  in...

Now think about what you have learned.  Do you recognize your gut reaction now?  And what steps can you take on the journey to break free?

If you are curious about where you are headed you will need to wait to read about your North Node!

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