Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sadhana ... Or What To Do While You Wait for the Coffee to Brew

In Sanskrit, sadhana literally means "accomplishing something".   

I think the most important thing that we all need to accomplish in life is learning to listen to ourselves. If you can hear what is truly going on in your heart and mind and soul,  great health, strong energy, positive relationships, career opportunities, happiness, and anything else you desire is your for the taking.

A sadhana is a spiritual practice that will guide you in accomplishing this level of intimacy with yourself.  It is something you do each morning when you wake to prepare yourself for the day and for life.  

There are plenty of structured sadhana's that tell you what time to practice and for how long and exactly what to do.  Most sadhanas are heavily loaded with yoga and breathing and chanting and meditation.  I love all of those things but not every day.  Over the years I developed my own sadhana practice based on what brings me in greatest touch with myself without even knowing what I was doing and it is now so essential to my being that I am all off balance for the day if I don't have the opportunity to practice.  

My practice begins at 4:30 AM with a cold diet coke from the fridge and a seat on the couch.
I spend a few minutes thinking of 5 things I am grateful for from yesterday.  This year I have actually bought a journal to record them in.
Then I take a look at the planetary alignments and make note of any opportunities I would like to take advantage of today or any challenges I should prepare myself to work through.
I meditate on, or I journal about, a challenge I am having or a goal I am working on.
I do 20 minutes of yoga.
I wrap up with another diet coke and a check in on Facebook, my email and my blog.
Then off to take a shower.

My practice might be a little un-traditional but it works for me!  I do the same thing each morning and it grounds me and energizes me and helps me both along my journey in life and out the front door to face the day.

Time to create your own sadhana!  Feel free to start small if you wish, just practice in the time it takes to brew your morning coffee!

Set aside a time a place for yourself.  I suggest you do this before the rest of the household wakes up.

Start with one thing that will help you accomplish a deeper relationship with yourself.  Maybe it will be 3 minutes of meditation or 10 minutes of stretching or a half hour of study on an enlightening topic.  

Once you are in the routine, add on more items to your practice.  

Don't be afraid to practice things that seem unusual but help you feel grounded.  Perhaps watering the plants or petting the dog.


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