I have studied astrology for a number of years. I started reading my Yahoo horoscope and was pretty amazed by how some things really lined up. I dug deeper over the years and now I really on the horoscope I create for myself each day based on the where the planets are.
Some days the planets play nicely and some days they are in major conflict. You throw in the moon and your birth chart and you get quite a forecast for each day or for major periods of your life.
But what do you do with it?
I have toyed with that question over the years and I think I use the information pretty well but I don't really think I have been able to articulate how I do. Until now.
I realized that astrology is like a weather forecast. Is the day going to be full of sunshine or maybe some snow flurries or is there a hurricane coming?
And when you know the forecast, you can prepare. Do you need an umbrella? Should you cancel your picnic? Should you skip work and bask in the perfect day? Your astrology forecast does the same. Do you need to avoid signing a contract? Should you reschedule a lunch date with your mom? Is today the day to go look for a house?
Just like the weather forecast, the astrology forecast does not tell you exactly what is going to happen but it tells you what you might expect and you can use that information to your benefit. You can keep from getting soaked or missing that one day in the month that is picture perfect.
If you are intrigued, there are a few sites out there that make it easy to start forecasting your weather.
Astrology Zone gives a nice monthly forecast with some key dates for each sign. It is a great place to get started. (Be warned that she has these really annoying pop up ads!)
Cafe Astrology is a great resource on all things astrology. It can help you dig a little deeper when you are ready.
Ruby Slipper spotlights notable astrological events and gives you some really thought provoking questions to consider for each. This is my favorite astrology site!
Wishing you sunny skies! Or at least an always handy umbrella!