Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Your Story of Purpose ... What the Heck Are We Here For?

I wrote a story.  About why we are here.  

This was an exercise in a book I was reading.  You were asked to write your "creation story".  And at first I was not too interested in completing this particular task.  I have never really been one to care for where we came from.  But as I was coming up with my story, I realized how important it is to have a sense of purpose by which to gauge all of the things that go on on in your life.  A way to comprehend the circumstances that happen to you and a way to validate your decisions.  

Your story might be one that was passed down in your family or by your culture or from your religious organization.  I had none of those so I created my own.  I thought it would be hard but I just closed my eyes and sat their with my journal and it flowed.   It is pretty rough and un-edited.  Really just a guide  for me.  

We are here to create more positive energy.

Nature was created for beauty. To create more positive energy.
Animals were created to experience beauty in movement and constant change.
People were created to create more beauty … art, cooking, dance, feng shui, yoga, sex, blessings

We start out as souls in the Collective Soul. The original souls are the planets and now they guide us and send us all lessons and opportunities. We are born into our bodies bringing with us our purpose to achieve in this life, our primary fear to overcome and our coping habit to change.

The Ego developed to create negative energy. It lives off it. It fooled humans into thinking that material things and power generate more positive energy, But they really generate negative and make you forget your soul.

Messages come from the Collective Soul to help free yourself from the negative energy and remember the Collective Soul. This is your intuition.  The messages are sent by guides in the Collective Soul.
When the soul is done in the host, it returns to the Collective Soul. It can stay awhile and act as a Guide, sending messages. If you are a very aware soul, you can send messages back. And you can always send gratitude.

When you are on earth and you are serving your Soul Purpose and are dealing with your primary fear and you are changing your habit, you are generating more positive energy and raising the general energy of the earth.  

While you are on earth you can be wounded by negative energy and if you don’t deal with the wounds, you keep these wounds with you until you release them in a future life.

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